Your first appointment
Your search for that perfect smile led you here. Relax.
The consultation involves examining your teeth, gums and bite. Then the aesthetic aspects of that perfect smile. All these aspects are carefully examined and analysed to create that perfect smile. Discover more here the top dental procedures at dentist Parramatta clinic.
For optimum experience communicate clearly with your dentist and have a clear picture of that perfect smile.
Prepare a check list like
The colour of teeth you desire like a brilliant white or a more natural shade
Alignment of teeth like perfect or a more natural look
Amount of gum that shows when you smile
Amount of teeth that shows when you smile.
Working on the desired changes
Computer imaging is a perfect way to preview the entire look that you opted for. You can make any number of changes till you are completely satisfied with every aspect of the look. Other ways include 3-d modelling which is a more cumbersome process. For FREE dental appoinment, arrange your consultation now at -
Dental materials
Great progress has been made in this field of dental materials.
They have been used for centuries.
They can be modelled to near natural shade of your teeth.
They can last a life time without any problems.
It is used for bonding. It is a relatively new material in cosmetic dentistry. This type of bonding with the help of resin added strength to the porcelain tooth structure also adding to the aesthetics. The latest advancement would be building bridges that function like teeth.
Metal was added to the porcelain crown structures for extra strength. However metal decreases the translucency of the porcelain, making it look less natural. Your dentist might mention brands like empress lava that have ready -made solutions.
Order that perfect smile!